Samsung 830 Series 512GB SSD Review > Benchmarks: PCmark 7
Benchmarks: PCmark vii

This workload uses a trace of Windows Defender's Quick scan of the organisation. Recording of activity on system drive started simply before clicking Quick scan on Windows Defender and lasted until the scan finished.
As y'all tin can see the majority of SSDs delivered between - v.7MB/due south with the Samsung 830 Series 512GB pretty much in the middle with v.3MB/south.

This workload uses a trace of importing a collection of images in Windows Live Photograph Gallery. A USB stick with 68 images (434 MB total) was inserted and images were imported to Windows Live Photo Gallery. Recording of action on system drive started at the start of importing pictures and lasted until thumbnail images appeared on the display. During the trace Windows Live Photo Gallery copied images from USB stick to Pictures library, indexed them and created thumbnails.
The Samsung 830 Serial 512GB performed very well here delivering 28.6MB/s making information technology the fastest SSD tested and ii% faster than the OCZ Vertex three Max IOPS 240GB.

This workload uses a trace of compiling a home video from a gear up of video clips. The source videos were shot with a Sony HDR-HC3 and imported to the PC. The source video was 1080i MPEG-ii videos. A home video project was prepared with Windows Live Pic Maker. Recording of action on system drive started just before clicking Publish (1080p video) and lasted until publishing finished. During the trace Movie Maker read parts of source files and wrote a single output file.
The results from this test were all very shut and once again the Samsung 830 Series 512GB was found in the middle of the pack with a throughput of 22.5MB/due south.

This workload uses a trace of Media Center activity. PC was equipped with a dual DVB-T tuner. A movie was recorded and after the recording had finished, ii simultaneous recordings were started and playback of the first movie was started. While maintaining this setup of 2 movies streaming to storage and i being played back, action on system drive was recorded for 4 minutes. During the trace Media Center read one file and wrote two others.
Non a lot tin can exist said here, the Samsung 830 Series 512GB managed 8.2MB/s allowing it to match the performance of the other loftier-terminate SSDs.

This workload uses a trace of calculation music to media library. On some other PC, a hard drive was filled with 68 GB of music files (lossless WMA). The difficult drive was connected to the PC recording the trace. Windows Media Player was started and the music binder in the new drive was added to Music Library. Recording of activity on system drive started simply before adding the binder to Library and lasted until Windows Media Actor status bar read "Update Complete". During the trace Media Histrion scanned music files on the added hard drive (which is not included in the trace since the activity did not happen in the system drive) and indexed them (which is included in the trace since index files are located in the arrangement bulldoze).
The Samsung 830 Series 512GB managed ane.4MB/s every bit did virtually every other SSD tested.

This workload uses a trace of starting up home and role productivity applications. PCMark seven specification 1.0 certificate was copied to Desktop. The document was opened by double clicking and few seconds later Internet Explorer was started from the toolbar. Recording of activity on system bulldoze started just before double clicking the document and lasted until both applications had started and became responsive. During the trace Windows loaded the executables and related DLLs from the system drive.
Hither the Samsung 830 Series 512GB managed 45.5MB/s making it forty% faster than the 470 Series 256GB. It was 3% slower than the Crucial m4 256GB and 23% slower than the OCZ Vertex 3 Max IOPS 240GB.

This workload uses a trace of starting upward Earth of Warcraft. Earth of Warcraft was installed. A new graphic symbol was created in the game. The game was airtight and started again. Recording of activity on system drive started merely before logging in the game. Game loaded and the new character was selected as apace every bit possible. The recording was stopped right after the game world had loaded then far that the character could move in the world. During the trace the game loaded game data from the system drive.
Finally the PCmark7 gaming examination, here the Samsung 830 Serial 512GB got in-between the Crucial m4 256GB and the OCZ Vertex 3 Max IOPS 240GB.
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